Kansas 2024 Child Support Calculator Version 24.0.0 and New Spousal Maintenance Calculator Released!
Dec 29 2023We have released our new Kansas Child Support calculator tool (version 24.0.0) supporting the latest 2024 Child Support Guidelines. This new version incorporates all the guidelines revisions such as child support tables, updated Federal and Kansas tax factors, updated poverty guidelines per the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and updated Cost of Living Differential (COLD) adjustment factors per the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
All Kansas child support calculations from this time forward will use the 2024 calculation algorithms. If you have a 2023 and prior eFamilyTools Kansas child support worksheet, you will still be able to access it, print it, and retain a copy for comparison by using the Clone tool. When opening an older worksheet, you will be prompted to optionally update all calculations. This process is as easy as clicking the “Calculate” button. To keep the updated calculations, you can save your new worksheet. To aide you in this process we have a YouTube video which describes each step. The video references the 2020 version, but all the steps remain exactly the same.
New for 2024, when you open your Case and visit the Worksheets section, you will have the option to create a Spousal Maintenance Worksheet. This newly developed tool was created in direct response to requests from our users for a tool to perform Spousal Maintenance calculations and generate Spousal Maintenance Worksheets. You will appreciate how this new tool is fully integrated with your Case and within our software platform, making it very intuitive.