Kansas is an income shares state. This means child support is based primarily on income, which is supposed to simplify calculations. However, Kansas has adopted a large number of policies and adjustments that can drastically impact child support obligations. Inputs such as self-employment income,...
A new version (5) of the Kansas child support guidelines was released on Aug 14, 2024 under Supreme Court order 2024-RL-073 and supresedes all prior child support guidelines orders. Version 5 makes further corrections to errors found on the child support worksheet (pages 27-29). T...
Did you know that eFamilyTools has always been a "Cloud Based" software?
You may have recently heard about "Cloud Computing" and how certain software vendors are transitioning to Cloud Based. eFamilyTools was built from the ground-up as a Cloud Based Software As A Service (SAAS). Whether you r...
The committee has made more revisions to the 2024 version of the Kansas Child Support Guidelines and sent them to the Supreme Court for signature. The Proposed 2024 (version 2) Guidelines can be read here. Pursuant to CFR 302.56, the committee seeks public comment via Survey Monkey on the ne...

2024 Kansas Child Support Guidelines Changes - Commentary by Brian Mull eFamilyTools.com
Jan 10 2024Note: This blog post was initially released January 1st, 2024 and may be continually updated throughout 2024. See the date above for last revision.
The Kansas Supreme Court has released the 2024 Kansas Child Support Guidelines! The Kansas Child Support Guidelines are updated every 4 years pursua...

Kansas 2024 Child Support Calculator Version 24.0.0 and New Spousal Maintenance Calculator Released!
Dec 29 2023We have released our new Kansas Child Support calculator tool (version 24.0.0) supporting the latest 2024 Child Support Guidelines. This new version incorporates all the guidelines revisions such as child support tables, updated Federal and Kansas tax factors, updated poverty guidelines per the D...
 Did you know?
- For one child, back-to-school supplies cost $597 (K-12 average).
- Household back-to-school budgets increased $25.72 or 2.98%.
- Sustainable shoppers spend 36% more than the average household on back-to-school.
- 67% of back-to-school and -college consumers report highe...
Congratulations are in order! Another school year in the books! It's now time to relax and have fun.
For some, it's a time to go shopping for a new school car, buy new sports equipment, maybe attend summer camps, etc. It's not uncommon for parenting time schedules to adjust during the summer mo...
We have released the latest version (23.0.0) of our Kansas Child Support Calculator for 2023!
We've incorporated the latest Regional Price Parities (RPP) data released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) to support Cost of Living Differential calculations. The RPP data is used when one of...
The '22-'23 school season has arrived! As parents, we're left wondering if we should be excited, anxious, sad to see our little ones growing so fast, or a little of everything. Please be assured that everything will work out fine. Children are more creative, adaptive, and resilient than we ever i...
Welcome 2022! We have released our latest version, 22.0.0 of the Kansas child support calculator. This latest version incorporates the latest tax adjustments and Regional Price Parities (RPP) data released by the BLS. The update procedure is identical to previous releases. Please check out our Y...
Today we released eFamilyTools v21.2.0! This release provides some important updates to child support calculations. Most updates target the tax adjustment sections. Federal tax brackets and child tax credits have been updated to the latest IRS tax guidance for 2021. Additionally, we've incorporated...
The Multiple Family Adjustment (MFA) in the Kansas Child Support Guidelines provides a reduction in child support payment in certain circumstances.
The MFA first appeared in the child support guidelines in 1990 as a single sentence. While the 2020 guidelines now provide a few paragraphs describin...
Thank you to all our fallen heroes on this Memorial Day! Your sacrifice to preserve our freedom shall never be forgotten!
The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released updated Regional Price Parities data in December 2020.  The updates refer to economic data collected in 2019. To compare the previous data to the latest release, we've prepared a chart (below). The values are indexed against Kansas cost of living. Va...